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Dalhousie University is a public research university located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. It was founded in 1818 and is one of the oldest universities in Canada. Dalhousie offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs across various disciplines, including arts and social sciences, business, health sciences, engineering, and more. The university is known for its strong research focus and has several research institutes and centers. Dalhousie also has a vibrant student life with numerous clubs, societies, and sports teams.

Dalhousie was founded, as the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia George Ramsay, 9th Earl of Dalhousie, desired a non-denominational college in Halifax. Financing largely came from customs duties collected by a previous Lieutenant Governor, John Coape Sherbrooke, during the War of 1812 occupation of Castine, Maine; Sherbrooke invested £7,000 as an initial endowment and reserved £3,000 for the physical construction of the college. Where to make fake Dalhousie University degree certificate online?

The college was established in 1818 though it faltered shortly after, as Ramsay left Halifax to serve as the Governor General of British North America. The school was structured upon the principles of the University of Edinburgh, located near Ramsay’s home in Scotland, where lectures were open to male students, regardless of Christian religion or nationality. Buy fake degree in Canada, # buy diploma in Canada. Get Bachelor degree online, obtain a fake Canadian College degree. How to buy a fake degree from Canada. Where to get a fake certificate in Canada

In 1821, Dalhousie College was officially incorporated by the Nova Scotia House of Assembly under the 1821 Act of Incorporation. The college did not hold its first class until 1838; operation of the college was intermittent and no degrees were awarded. In 1841, an Act of the Nova Scotia House of Assembly conferred university powers on Dalhousie.


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